Conducto radicular no quirúrgico
What is a root canal?
Este tipo de tratamiento es uno de los procedimientos dentales más comunes que se realizan. This simple treatment can save your natural teeth and prevent the need of dental implants or bridges.
At the center of your tooth is pulp. Pulp is a collection of blood vessels that helps to build the surrounding tooth. Infection of the pulp can be caused by trauma to the tooth, deep decay, cracks and chips, or repeated dental procedures. Symptoms of the infection can be identified as visible injury or swelling of the tooth, sensitivity to temperature or pain in the tooth and gums.
¿Cómo se realiza una endodoncia??
If you experience any of these symptoms, lo más probable es que su dentista le recomiende un tratamiento no quirúrgico para eliminar la pulpa enferma. This injured pulp is removed and the root canal system is thoroughly cleaned and sealed. Esta terapia generalmente involucra anestesia local y puede completarse en una o más visitas dependiendo del tratamiento requerido. Success for this type of treatment occurs in about 90% of cases. If your tooth is not amenable to endodontic treatment or the chance of success is unfavorable, you will be informed at the time of consultation or when a complication becomes evident during or after treatment. Utilizamos anestesia local para eliminar las molestias.. You will be able to drive home after your treatment, and you probably will be comfortable returning to your normal routine.
What happens after treatment?
When your root canal therapy has been completed, a record of your treatment will be sent to your restorative dentist. Usted debe comunicarse con la oficina para una restauración seguimiento dentro de unas semanas de terminar en nuestra oficina. Your restorative dentist will decide on what type of restoration is necessary to protect your tooth. It is rare for endodontic patients to experience complications after routine endodontic treatment or microsurgery. If a problem does occur, sin embargo, we are available at all times to respond. To prevent further decay, continue to practice good dental hygiene.
Cuanto costara?
El costo asociado con este procedimiento puede variar según factores como la gravedad del daño en el diente afectado y qué diente está afectado.. In general, endodontic treatment is much less expensive than tooth removal and replacement with an artificial tooth.